Why I do this & that

12/30/2012 14:54

I don't start conversations about triathlons with people.  Its my thing, although very narcissistic, and I do it for the most part alone.  I don't care to share a lane during swim practice, I hate riding with groups because they are very cliquish if you are not riding their chosen brand, and I hate to run with others since some want to chat, some want to make it a race, and others make you feel as if you are dragging them down the trail.  I prefer to do things on my plans.  Those who know me well are muttering something along the lines of "That was an understatement" right about now.  I'm type A personality, but generally keep my hobby to myself.


However, when the conversation comes up and I am in the mood to discuss it, I enjoy sharing race reports, getting and giving advice on equipment, race locations, and experiences.  But when the one question about why in the world would anyone want to take on something that is so hard on the body, my answer is simple; Its for Kyle & Stephanie.


Now, they are not going to trade me in if I did not do these things (at least I don't think they will), and they won't love me more or less if I do or do not finish what I set out for to begin with.  But I like this sport and I want to live longer so that I can be around to see Kyle grow up (and torment Stephanie as much as possible) and I want Kyle to see that ANYTHING is possible if you work for it.  I want him to take up the hobby also so that we can continue to do these things as a family.  I want him to be proud of what his dad has done, before he gets to that age where he can't stand his parents! 


While the "Finisher" jacket is cool, the sticker on the car is awesome, and the Ironman tattoo branded on the calf is a forever lasting symbol of the accomplishment, its the smile on that little guy's face and his mom's too that makes it all worth it.


They are the reason for this & that