Who'da Thunk It?

08/24/2013 15:00

Well week number 3 of my current IM plan is in the books.  As you know, this plan focuses on time training and not mileage, something that was a little alien to me at first glance, but the more I explored it and thought about it, the more sense it made.  While the initial day's work outs were rather short and easy, I followed the author's advice to stick with what he was prescribing and do no more or less, afterall, he is the 10 time IM Champion and author, not me.  With credentials like that, who am I to question him?


This week's workouts started to gain a little in their prescribed times.  As directed, I did exactly what I was told to do and you know what, I expreienced something that I have never felt before in the world of triathlon training, and that was 'Improvement".  My run paces were the quickest I have ever experienced and my swim workouts were more productive.  I pondered these gains in endurance and strength as a simple anomoly.  The cooler air and breeze was the helper for the great runs or the current generated by the others in the adjacent lanes of the pool were the reason I went a little farther than before.  Yes, that was it.  Well that theory was blown to pieces this morning during the 90 minute bike ride followed immediately by the 30 minute run in the 600 degree Florida heat.  I came off the bike, started to run, and noticed that the jelly legs were not as pronounced as usual and then was astonished that the total distance had increased about 2/10 of a mile from the previous week.  Those are undeniable gains.  I am a happy camper.  While these swims, rides, and run are about to increase ten fold (I peaked at the upcoming weeks training plan), I have no doubt this guy knows what he is talking about. 


When I brought this revelation to Stephanie's attention her look was priceless as she said "Who'da thunk it .... you actually listened to something".  According to her I do not listen to anything or anyone ever .... at least not at first.  Sigh.  My inner spark gives me grief too from time to time about listening, maybe its a man thing, I dont know. 


Not sure what revelation lies ahead, but one thing I do know is when it comes to stuff that is outside your tool box, listen to your sparks, angels, demons, etc.  The gut, brain, and heart is seldom wrong!


Things that make you go hmmmmmm ....