Unplanned Tapper
As a triathlete, I am embarrassed and ashamed of the week I just had. Us tri folks recognize that the word tapper means to rest and wind down in preperation for the big race. Well this week I tappered and sadly there isn't a race on the horizon to do it for. Heck, I didn't even tapper correctly to call it that.
My week started early with a business trip. As always, I plan to run where I can or catch a spin here or there to supplement the missing time in the saddle back home. Swims typically are at the end of the week, so the planned runs/rides would be fine. Then I caught a very out of the norm case of the lazys. I substituted the alloted down time that I wanted to run for naps in the hotel and I really let my nutrition go out the window. Sodas replaced water and good for you snacks gave way to cookies. The running gear collected dust and now here at the end of the week and the planned swim practice went by the way of the DOO DOO bird. About as "tri" as I got this week was putting on a pair of Pearl Izumi run shoes and attempting to run.
I dreaded writing this entry, but count on the accountability I desire from my team mates. After looking at other's blogs and race reports, I can say that the doom and gloom I feel is incredible. The only thing I can do is get back on track Monday morning with the planned long ride and hammer on.
The real tapper is about 16 weeks away, I'll do it right next time.
I don't deserve this behavior ....... yet!