The one that got away

08/11/2013 15:29

Week number one of my IM training plan is officially in the books.  I have to say it has been nice being able to follow the day's plan and once completed, check it off and record the data.  Prior to this new plan going into effect, I'd simply and hap hazzardly decide each morning on which one of the disciplines I was going to work on, usually after looking at the days' weather and work schedule.  This week I smiled often when I recognized what a relief it was to be actually following a professional triathlete's direction, not to mentiion the nutritionist's advice as well, something that hasn't been easy for me in the past.


Stephanie and I had quite a time with Kyle and his behavior this week while he attended a summer day camp at his school.  We were at our wits end to say the least.  While we recognize that he is a 5 year old boy, the aggression and disobedience was simply not like him at all.  My inner spark was obvioulsy on vacation this week since I was about to throw my hands in the air and run off into the sunset.  Nobody said this was going to be easy, but dang!  Fortunately we have been able to pin point the problem and are actually excited about Kyle's first day of Kindergarten 5 that is fast approaching.


To escape the stress that we all went through this week, Stephanie and I took Kyle fishing with his Papa, Miss Renae, and his cousin Logan this weekend, then to enjoy Cocoa Beach on an overnight trip.  While I was able to sneak in an open water swim pratice in the Atlantic Ocean, the real joy was experienced by us watching Kyle run into and out of the crashing waves as fast as he could over and over and over.  As a native Floridian, I have to confess that I really do not care a whole heck of a lot for the beach that is just about in my backyard.  Something about the sand getting stuck to my feet and that terribly bright and blistering ball fo fire in the sky doesn't really do a lot for the choosen people who call Florida home.  But watching Kyle's face light up like a Christmas tree and the glee he expressed on the sand gave me a renewed appreciation for the shoreline.


So whether its a lost love, a passion for a sport, the exhausting feeling of being a parent, or a broken lawn mower (don't ask, its been one of those weeks), its okay to let your inner spark take a little vacay and for you to push the reset button on training, dieting, and life.


Kyle's first fish .... this one almost got away ;-)