Testing Testing its About to get Interesting!!

09/06/2013 14:48

With one month in the books on the new and improved training plan and two months away from the big day, I stay amazed everytime I get into the pool, climb aboard the bike, or lace up the running shoes at just how well things are coming together.  Some of my best numbers are showing up - amazing what a little direction from a pro and the guidance of a nutritionist can make.  They say that twenty-one day of anything will become habit and I have to tell ya, things have come together nicely, most noticeably is the eating habits I have adopted - its not only become easier to avoid the old ways of eating, but pays off each time I climb up on the scale.  I don't close my eyes anymore when doing so .....


This weekend marks the one test that I have planned to see just how well things are really coming along.  Sunday will be my second showing at the 9.11 Patriot Triathlon in Ft Pierce, FL.  Having done one in the series of four already this year, I am going to use that as a benchmark baseline and see what kind of numbers show up on the results site.  Baring an Octopus attack, flat tire, or broken ankle, I hope too see imporvements in all three disciplines, if not, all I can do is dig in a little deeper and possibly find excuses (lies) to tell about the day.


Someone who is not taking a test this weekend is fellow law enforcement officer and TheTriShop.com team member Matt Kohl.  Matt is on the big stage this weekend at IM Wisconsin.  Like me, Matt is a dad, husband, cop, and trathlete.  While he is a little younger than me, our stories are quite similar.  I have enjoyed his blog a great deal and have been inspired at his dedication to nutrition and training.  I thought I was OCD when it came to notebooks, journal entries, and logging data, but my brother from another mother is just as bad as I am.  I bet our arrest affidavits look alike too!  Matt and I chatted this morning about his big day and I was honored to provide him with a little bit of encouragement to tap into if he needs it this weekend.  But between you and I, Matt won't need it - he is a freakin' rock star when it comes to this stuff.  I'll be keeping tabs on Matt, IM WI number 1128 this weekend and I recommend his blog www.irondadtriathlete.com if you want to gleam some great stuff from a good guy.  Goodluck Matt!


Well wish me luck this Sunday while I take a little test and please keep Matt in your thoughts and prayers as he takes a final exam!  With Stephanie and Kyle cheering and watching, and my Inner Spark onbaord keeping me going in the right direction, I'll see everyone at the finish line.





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