Monkey Wrenches and Little X's
It doesn’t help when you have a severe case of OCD, so bad that you call it “CDO” so that the letters are in the proper order, and you are training for the Ironman. Plans become a religion, nutrition and counting calories and other things becomes a passion, and being able to place an “X” over the day’s workout is a reward of an accomplishment. While all this drive and direction is good, the OCD in me goes berserk when a monkey wrench is thrown into the plan like it was this past weekend in our household.
Friday morning Kyle woke up with a slight fever and cough. Stephanie’s mommy-o-meter knew that it was more than just a cold or simple bug, and ordered him to stay home from school and made a doctor’s appointment. This meant that I was staying home too and working from the home office, and that I was going to miss Friday’s swim workout. I almost collapsed to the floor. Stephanie caught me looking at the training calendar, and could sense the trouble that was brewing in my head (maybe it was the tears, I am not sure) and she offered a quick solution “Make today your rest day and do today’s swim workout on Monday when you normally rest”. What a good idea. Then as she was leaving for the office she said something that cut me to the core of all my being …. “Hopefully Kim can watch Kyle Saturday night for us so we can still do the Disney race … have a good day” then sped off in to the world. This totally slipped my mind to a degree that Saturday’s workout was not going to happen in conjunction with the Disney night race. So that meant the race would be Sunday’s workout and then Saturday’s workout would be moved to Sunday. Geesh.
Saturday’s race was a success for both of us at the 2013 Run Disney Tower of Terror Ten Miler and Kyle slept through the night for Aunt Kim (Tamiful is an amazing medication). Sunday’s heavy workout was on tired legs and body after a late night race, but it had to be done, and Friday’s misplaced swim workout was completed very early this morning before work, so everything is back in order and my OCD pressure switch has been reset! There is no room for flexibility when you are trying to get to the finish line!
Another bunch of days X'ed out on the calendar