In the beginning ....

01/01/2013 12:14

New Year's rang in with a bang judging by the amount of fireworks that could be heard until after midnight.  We were all three in bed long before the ball dropped.  Somehow I could not manage to get excited about seeing Snookie and Jwoww in Times Square this year.  Besides, we spent a nice New Year's Eve with friends at Legoland Florida where Kyle and his buddy hollered and danced the night away (all 35 minutes of it) to music and great fireworks - that with special glasses, looked liked lego bricks exploding in the air.  Pretty cool.  The evening in the park wasn't complete until a lady ran over my right foot with her electric wheelchair completely oblivious to what had just happened.  The evening only got better as I broke out in hives as it dawned on me while leaving a restaurant that the Thai salad I had contained nuts, which I am allergic too.  So needless to say with foot elevated, once I was in a benadryl induced coma, it was time for bed ..... at 9:35pm.


Stephanie and I are trying to get the house and Kyle back to normal since we are all back to the daily grind Wednesday morning.  Stephanie got up early and ran while I decided to take it easy considering how much I went through 12 hours earlier.  Our workout routine today consisted of taking the Christmas decorations down, playing referee between Kyle and Stephanie as he was determined to help mommy remove priceless items from the tree, and she was insisted that she did not need any help, and then the chore of restocking the atttic with a 4 year old as a helper. 


To all my readers and fans out there that have sent me well wishes and emails about this venture, THANK YOU!  While I will not report daily, I promise to keep this blog fresh and up-to-date and I appreciate you all keeping me accountable for what I began.


Happy New Year!


This is how we usher in New Year here in Florida