He's Growing Up
We talked a lot about growing this week in our household. It started last weekend when I wasn't able to cut the grass due to a myriad of other things that were going on. Stephanie noticed I did not get out there to mow the lawn and made the comment "If it rains this week you will be paying dearly for skipping this week when the grass grows higher than the house". Rain? What is she talking about??
Mid week we got a surprise visit from Tropical Storm Andrea that came across Tampa Bay dumping over 5" of rain on our lawn. Looks like Stephanie was right again .... The grass has grown!
This week we also got a crazy idea to rearrange Kyle's bed in his room while cleaning out the 2,500+ hot wheels cars that were nestled under his bed and throughout his mattress and comforter. This move seemed like a good idea to me at first, but this slight change has created some stress on my little guy being positioned differntly than he is used too. We have had to have a lot of talks about growing up and being a big boy this week. Its not easy being 5 1/2!
Then finally today came without much fanfare until a few minutes ago. Today marks Kyle's last day in K4. We took donuts and coffee to the school for the office staff and teachers to enjoy as a little token of our appreciation. This day really wasn't on my radar too much since he will be attending his school's summer program and then entering K5 in the same building in August. But as I walked out from dropping him off, it dawned on me that he just completed his first year in school and honestly, it was a quick blurr! Earlier this week, he even asked us (out of the blue too) "Will you guys come to college with me"? I teared up.
Congratulations Kyle on growing up (slow down please) and THANK YOU to Miss Sabrina & Miss Lisa for having such a great impact on Kyle's life!
On a training note; I was able to get in some much needed miles this week in between the 2 days of monsoons. I also was able to represent TheTriShop.com's Triathlon Team at National Running Day this past Wednesday - good times! Hopefully I'll grow as a Triathlete as quick as Kyle and the grass are growing around here :-)
Tropical Storm Andrea bringing some much needed rain to FL!
Miss Sabrina, Kyle, and Miss Lisa celebrating National Donut Day!