Food Glorious Food

12/28/2012 08:35

So this will be my biggest hurdle to get over.  I love to eat.  Good food and drink, anything fried, everything with chocolate, you get the drift.  Up until now my mental process of this was "eat whatever and just run farther" and "i'm sure there is a magic potion out there that i'll find and take".  Well, I havent found the potion and the other issue just isnt working either.  140.6 miles is a long way to go and the machine and its engine have to be finely tuned.


January 1 will not only start the training plan, but will also include the clean eating.  While going cold turkey on anything never works as the body wants a treat from time to time, we (I) have to do a better job in managing the intake so that the production in the pool, on the bike, and along the run trails is close to perfection.  Not to mention, 2.4 miles in the ocean, 112 miles on the little seat, and a marathon makes for a long day and when you are carrying along unnecessary weight, its just that harder.


Man I am going to miss this stuff!