Finishing Up the Week Inspired

05/03/2013 22:50

Our week has been eventful and stressed to say the least.


Stephanie came down with the flu which is rare this time of the year, but not unheard of.  She layed on the couch all weekend and wasn’t able to move at all Monday morning.  She is the busiest lady I know, so for her to miss meetings at work means she is deathly ill.  A quick trip to the doctor revealed the flu bug had bit her and medicine and rest in order.  She has to be good as new since her and I are running in the Disney Expedition Everest Challenge as a team in 6 days!


Monday afternoon Kyle’s allergies were so bad that I had to pick him up from school early and head to his doctor.  Erring on the side of caution, the doctor performed the necessary tests to rule out flu, strep, etc. and came to the conclusion that the Spring air was the culprit.  New eye drops and nose spray was in order and I am happy to say he was a new man in a matter of minutes.


Still nursing the wounds from last week’s crash, my workouts were running and swimming only.  The Trek dealer made the necessary adjustments to the bike and replaced the cockpit tape, but the swollen rear and strained glute had me a little gun shy to climb back on the saddle just yet.  The runs were fine and the swim was good, just not a lot of time with work meetings and getting ready for an extended out of state business trip next week.


Each year I am the Master of Ceremonies for the Florida Mothers Against Drunk Driving annual law enforcement ceremony and symposium.  This year’s event was extra special in that I also had the privilege to introduce the key note speaker, Kari Miller.  Kari is a member of the US Military who served tours in the mid-East and other war raged regions of the globe.  While home on leave in the US, the car she was a passenger in was hit by a drunk driver, leaving her companion dead and her with no legs.  She went on to become a member of the US Para-Olympic team – a real American hero!  Her story is not only emotional but up lifting.  Through adversity, she flourished into a world class athlete, doing more with less every day.  As a triathlete, I learned from her to never give up, keep reaching for the stars, and cross every finish line with a smile.  I needed to hear that.


US Army Sgt Kari Miller