Father's Day 2013

06/15/2013 12:58

I knew this day was coming, but it was always way out there in the distance.  Since my dad passed away last August, this year has been full of "firsts" for us that all center around dad being gone.  Father's Day is no exception.


Dad's remains were entered in a Columnbarium at a cemetary near our house.  Since dad loved baseball (played minor league ball back in the 1960's) my plans were to take Kyle to the cemetary so that we could throw the baseball around a bit on Father's Day.  I knew that Dad would be thrilled to see his son and grandson enjoying his favorite sport.  Kyle and I had actually done this before earlier this Spring, and I told Kyle that we'd come back and play ball with pa pa again.  This past Monday on the way home from Kyle's dentist appointment, out of the blue he said "Dad do we have a baseball with us" and I replied "Yes we do, it's in the trunk rolling around".  With eyebrows raised high as only Kyle can manage to do when he is plotting something he replies "Can we go visit pa pa and play ball now".  I glanced at the thermometer on a bank we were passing and it read 98 degrees and I began shaking my head,  as I was opening my mouth to tell him we were going to do this very thing on Father's Day, I looked in the rearview mirror at the expression on his face that was excited for my response and I said "You bet we can" and made a rather abrupt turn into the cemetary before it was too late.  Kyle had a good time and so did I. 


Happy Father's Day Dad.


PS - We are taking Kyle to a Tiger's Baseball game next weekend.  He still talk about the baseball games he went to with you.


Kyle winding up for the pitch!