Equipment .... check!

12/27/2012 12:22

Like I said, I am no tech guy.  Just a dad and husband that does well making things work for the most part and making repairs here and there.  My passion is the yard - mowing, landscaping, yard work, etc. is my thing.  Maybe thats why I enjoy the outdoorsiness of triathlons.  Who knows. But I have to say that this website and blog has been painless - so far.  Can't guarantee it will stay that way.


Triathlon is a sport that requires a lot of gear.  I've got the state of the art Trek Speed Concept Tri bike in the stable, all the clothing, shoes, and misc bags, tubes of gu, vials of liquids, and boxes of this and that.  Coupled with every book ever written about the sport and website saved in the favorites.  The only thing missing is the fine tuned machine that runs it all.


Obvioulsly that machine is me.  While I have tackled the shorter triathlon distances, this journey to the big show is no small feat.  I'll fine tune engine during 2013 and with Stephanie's help, I'll figure out the nutritional aspect.  Loving good food and drink, its hard for me to get my arms and mind around the fact that I have to eat right.  We'll get it figured out.


Stick with me, the next couple of days that are left of Christmas break are allowing me to test out this site and take time off from training.  The real ride begins January1, 2013!



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