About Me
Living in Central Florida, Larry is a forty-something law enfrocement professional that is married to Stephanie and they have one son, Kyle. At 38, Larry was scolded by a family friend and cardiologist after failing a stress test. The doctor gave a stern warning about Larry's sedentary lifestyle and "cop diet". Recognizing that changes had to be made, Larry took up running ..... again, after vowing to never run again upon graduation from the police academy some 17 years earlier! Couch to 5K grew to 10Ks and half marathons, but along the way, Stephanie and Kyle took up the sport creating a family past time and traditions!
Needing to check off a Triathlon from the bucket list, Larry completed his first Triathlon on his 40th birthday, but knew deep down that he was far from over. Sprints and Olympic distances soon grew to the 70.3 half iron distance that fueled the fire to the pursuit of completing Ironman Florida 140.6 in 2013.
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